Indian Med Guru Medical Tourism Consultants

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Myomectomy in India : How to Prepare for Fibroid Removal

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Myomectomy in India : How to Prepare for Fibroid Removal

Myomectomy in India is a surgical procedure to remove the uterine fibroids called as leiomyomas. These are the most common noncancerous growths appearing in the uterus, often during the childbearing years and they can occur at any age. The goal of the surgeons is to take out the symptom causing fibroids and reconstruct the uterus. During myomectomy surgery in India, only the fibroids will be removed and this will leave your uterus intact. Patients who undergo this procedure have reported the improvement in fibroid symptoms such as the pelvic pressure and heavy menstrual bleeding.

Why it is done?

Your doctor will recommend myomectomy for fibroids which causes symptoms that are troublesome as it interfere with your normal activities. The reasons to undergo myomectomy in India for fibroid removal are:
  • You plan to bear children in future
  • Your doctors suspects uterine fibroids are interfering with your fertility
  • You want to keep your uterus
How to Prepare for Myomectomy in India?

You will be asked to fast or stop eating and drinking anything in the hours before the surgery. Follow your doctor’s recommendation and ask if you change the usual medication routine in the days before surgery. Inform your doctor about any over the counter medicines, vitamins or dietary supplements you take. Get information about the types of anesthesia- general anesthesia and spinal anesthesia that you will receive during this surgery. Finally, discuss with your doctor about the pain medication and how likely it will be given.

What to Expect?

Types of Myomectomy in India

Considering the size, number and location of the fibroids, your surgeon will choose one of the three surgical approaches for myomectomy in India:
1)    Abdominal Myomectomy
Your surgeon will make an open abdominal incision for accessing the uterus and removing fibroids. The surgeon enters the pelvic cavity through a horizontal bikini line incision an a vertical incision.
2)    Laparoscopic or Robotic Myomectomy
The laparoscopic or robotic myomectomy is a minimally invasive procedure in which the surgeon will access and remove the fibroids through several small abdominal incisions.
3)    Hysteroscopic Myomectomy
This is used to treat the fibroids which bulge significantly into the uterine cavity. Your surgeon will access and remove the fibroids by using instruments which are inserted through the vagina and cervix into the uterus.

What to Expect after the Procedure?

At the time of discharge from the hospital, your doctor will prescribe the oral medications which will tell you instructions on how to care for yourself. He/she will discuss about the diet and activities restrictions post surgery. You can expect some vaginal spotting or staining for a few days up to six weeks depending on the type of myomectomy procedure you had undergone.


Whether you stay in the hospital for just part of the day or overnight depends on the type of procedure you have. Abdominal myomectomy needs you to stay for two to three days, laparoscopic or robotic myomectomy needs an overnight stay while hysterectomy myomectomy needs no overnight hospital stay.

Advantages of Myomectomy in India

  • Several small incisions than the large ones
  • Recovery time is quick
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Low cost myomectomy in India
  • Pick and drop facility from airport
  • World class hospitals, hi-tech equipment and advanced technology at the best hospitals in India
  • Highly skilled, well-qualified surgeons, doctors, medical professionals and nursing and support staff
Why to Choose Myomectomy in India with IndiaMedguru Consultants?

Why to Choose Myomectomy in India with IndiaMedguru Consultants?

Indian Medguru Consultants is a pioneer medical value provider offering assistance to the global patients seeking myomectomy in India. Our large network of the best hospitals and clinics are well equipped with modern and latest surgical instruments to ensure effective treatment for our patients. We have vastly experienced doctors and surgeons who have been trained from the prestigious medical institutions from India and abroad. They have ample of experience to perform all types of myomectomy procedures and ensure that you get excellent medical services within your budget. We have been renowned to cater all the needs of the medical tourists travelling to India seeking the low cost myomectomy surgery by providing them medical visas, assisting with appointment with their surgeons, food, travel, stay arrangements, etc. Send us your inquiry to know more about myomectomy in India.

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Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Where to Get the Best Tubal Ligation Surgery India?

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Tubal Ligation Surgery India with Indianmedguru Consultants

The tubal ligation surgery India is a surgical form of sterilization which is done for permanent sterilization in women. It involves the blocking of the fallopian tubes by tying, sealing or attaching a ring or a clip. The fallopian tubes are structures of the female reproductive system which plays the role to carry the fertilised ovum to the uterus and since the path is blocked in the tubal ligation, the sperm cannot reach the ovum. Hence pregnancy cannot take place.

Who is a Candidate for Tubal Ligation Surgery India?

The candidate for tubal ligation surgery India are those women who look for a permanent form of birth control. This procedure to make a woman sterile is every effective to prevent pregnancy with a failure rate being as low as 0.4%.

Types  of  Tubal Ligation Surgery India

There are many type of tubal ligation surgery India such as:

  • Mini-laparotomy
  • Laparoscopic tubal ligation surgery
  • Open tubal ligation surgery
What to Expect Before, During and After Surgery?

What to Expect Before, During and After Surgery?

Before undergoing tubal ligation surgery India, the doctor will offer a complete medical examination and evaluate the overall health and medical history. You will be asked to undergo additional tests such as lab tests and X-rays. The surgeon will review the potential risks and benefits of the surgery and ask you to sign a consent form. Inform your doctor if you have allergies to any medications, whether you have bleeding problems or what medication you are taking. Carefully follow the instructions of the surgeon, to help your surgery go more smoothly and aid in early recovery.

Based on the conditions of your surgery, you will be asked to completely empty your colon and cleanse the intestine before surgery. You will be requested to drink clear liquids only for one or several days before the surgery. Stop eating or drinking post midnight, the night before surgery except the medications which are doctors has told you are permissible to take with a sip of water in the morning of the surgery.

You will be asked to stop smoking at least six weeks before surgery as it would otherwise delay healing. Plan your care and recovery post surgery.

Recovery and Success Rate of  Tubal Ligation Surgery India

Medical Procedure
USA ($)
UK ($)
India ($)
Laparoscopic Surgery
Open Tubal Ligation Surgery

The recovery of tubal ligation surgery India will involve you experiencing shoulder pain, tiredness, cramps, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain along with bloating and fatigue. Some of you may experience soreness of throat due to general anesthesia. You will be prohibited to perform strenuous activities for the initial 24 hours.

The recovery time post surgery will last for five to six days and this period will vary as per several factors such as healing ability of the body, pain tolerance and anesthesia used. Soreness in the wound is normal and pain will be eliminated using the painkillers. It poses no risk in the hormonal levels and menstrual cycle.

It is a safe procedure, if you do not want more children and involves quick recovery time with no changes in menstrual cycle or levels of hormones and are very effective.
As per recent studies, the success rate of tubal ligation surgery India is over 99 percent. The success rate of this surgery also depends on the surgeon’s experience, age of the patients and the types of tubal ligation surgery.

Benefits and risks of  Tubal Ligation Surgery India

Benefits and risks of  Tubal Ligation Surgery India

The benefits are:

  • Permanent birth control
  • Allows sexual spontaneity
  • Immediately effective
  • Not messy
  • Cost effective in the long run
  • Requires no daily attention
The risks of this surgery may develop in one to two percent of the cases which are performed through the abdomen and in two percent to 13 percent in the surgery being performed via the vagina. The risks includes:

  • Anaesthesia related problems
  • Infection
  • Injury to the bowel or bladder
Planning Your Medical Trip to India is a Very Simple Process with Indian Med Guru Consultants
Planning Your Medical Trip to India with Indian Med Guru Consultants

The tubal ligation surgery India is performed by highly qualified, skilled doctors and surgeons at the top hospitals in India. They uses the latest techniques, modern technologies and equipment. Get in touch with Indian Medguru is a medical value partner offering assistance to the international patients seeking the low cost tubal ligation surgery India from the best surgeons and doctors in the country. 

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